You can help improve the diagnosis and treatment of sleep apnea
By joining MyApnea.org, you can help improve the diagnosis and treatment of sleep apnea and be a part of one of the largest networks of patients ever to advance research on sleep apnea.
MyApnea.Org is a network created by sleep researchers, the Patient-Centered Outreach Institute and sleep apnea patients to get the answers you want and need through sharing and promoting research. They are inviting thousands of people with sleep apnea and their caregivers to come together at MyApnea.org to learn more about symptoms and treatment, to share their experiences with others within the community, and to become part of a national research network to improve lives.
It’s is a whole new way of finding help—for you and for millions of people with sleep apnea. MyApnea.Org is what’s called patient-powered research. Together, members share health information, discuss experiences regarding treatment, and express views directly to researchers and sleep experts on future research projects that can make a difference.
In return, you will get easy-to-use tools to track your health and will be able to learn from others about treatments, symptoms, and coping with sleep apnea to take control of your life. And we will report back on all interesting research findings, in a language you don’t have to be a scientist to understand.
Membership in MyApnea.Org is completely free and is open to anyone who has been told by a doctor that they have sleep apnea or who has a concern that they have sleep apnea and who wants to share and learn from others to shape future research and treatments.
Caregivers of family members with sleep apnea will also be able to join and help their loved ones participate.
You can also help spread the word in order to get more people involved. Here are some ways you can help:
- Print one of their flyers and post it at work or school, or ask your health care provider if they will hang it in their offices – let’s get more public exposure on sleep apnea!
- Share their page on Facebook and Twitter, – it’s quick, easy and one of the best ways to get more people involved!
- Email your peers, professional networks and alumni groups. They’ve made it easy by drafting an emailto send it quickly.
Visit the MyApea.org website and join today!
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