What can I expect at the Center?
A visit to a Sleep Disorders Center is likely to be a new experience. In order to help you understand your sleep disorder and treatment choices, there are several different steps in this evaluation.
First you will be scheduled for a Consultation with a Board Certified Sleep Specialist. This includes a thorough medical evaluation including assessment of your sleep problem, medical history, complete physical examination, and review of your medical records. You will be asked to complete several informational questionnaires and possibly keep a sleep diary of your sleep pattern for one or two weeks to aid in your evaluation. With this information, decisions regarding your treatment choices can be discussed.
If medically indicated, Sleep Testing (Polysomnogram) may be recommended. A sleep study consists of an 8-hour all night recording in our sleep laboratory that includes measurements used to identify sleep stages and classify sleep problems. During the sleep study, the activities that go on in your body during sleep (brain waves, muscle movements, eye movements, breathing through your mouth and nose, snoring, heart rate, and leg movements) are monitored by small discs (called electrodes) applied to your skin with adhesive. Flexible elastic belts around your chest and abdomen measure your breathing. The level of oxygen in the blood and your heart rate are monitored by a clip on your index finger. Your sleep will also be videotaped for later review of any abnormalities observed during the study. None of these are painful and all are designed to be as comfortable as possible. The Sleep Technologist will be available nearby during the study to help with any needs. The sleep study, its analysis, and interpretation are part of a complex process. Many hours of work are required by specially trained professionals who score the large amount of data recorded during the study. Because this is a time-consuming and labor intensive process, sleep studies require time to be evaluated to obtain the complete results. You will be given a follow up appointment to have these results fully explained to you. In some instances, more than one Sleep Test may be necessary.
If you have any questions regarding the above procedure, please feel free to call us.